The Five Pillars of Marist Identity were introduced by the Marist Province in 2015 as ideals to which all Marists, students and adults alike, should commit to.
Love of Work… being generous of heart, constant, and persevering in our daily work, confident, visionary, decisive in meeting the needs of our community and encouraging each other to discover the dignity of our work with young people and with each other
Family Spirit… relating to each other as members of a loving family, building community, offering the warmth of welcoming, acceptance and belonging, sharing our successes and failures, setting clear standards of honesty, mutual respect, and tolerance
Presence… caring for each other, seeking relationships founded on love, being attentive and welcoming with a sense of openness
Simplicity… being straightforward and genuine, humble and modest, ‘doing good quietly’
In the Way of Mary… seeing Mary as a perfect model of being Marist, tender, strong, constant in faith, open to God’s calling us to our own journey of discipleship
The Marist Brothers are men consecrated to God, who follow Jesus in the style of Mary, in community, and are especially dedicated to the education of children and young people, with more affection for those who need it most.
They are people who embrace religious life with a public commitment acquired through vows to practice the evangelical advice of chastity, poverty and obedience, according to the provisions of the followers of Saint Marcellin Champagnat.
The Brothers were invited to Malawi from Zimbabwe by the then Bishop of the Lilongwe Diocese, Bishop Fady, back in 1946. Since then, they have been working in schools and Teacher Training colleges. Mtendere mission station, now Mtendere secondary school on the Mtendere Campus, was the cradle of the Brothers in Malawi.
As the Brothers became involved in the public sector, they also opened a house of formation at Mtendere back in 1949, a few years after their arrival in Malawi. The Juniorate has now become a private secondary school.
Marcellin Champagnat, a Marist Priest, dreamed of a worldwide community devoted to making Jesus Christ known and loved among children and young people, especially the least favored. Today, an international community of brothers and lay people continues its dream.